Лицевая хирургия
Эстетическая хирургия лица
Лицевая хирургия
Lumps, bumps and growths: What to expect from skin lesion removal
Por Mr Philip Ridings
Removing moles, growths and other lumps and bumps is a relatively fast and painless procedure. In this article, highly esteemed general surgeon Mr Philip Ridings outlines the most common types of skin lesions and when it is necessary to remove them. He also offers reassurance about what patients can expect from the removal procedure. подробнее
Pinnaplasty: A procedure to correct prominent ears
Por Mr Anil Joshi
Revered consultant ENT and facial plastic surgeon Mr Anil Joshi gives an expert guide to what is involved in pinnaplasty procedures in this informative article for patients. подробнее
FaceTite procedure: a comprehensive insight
Por Mr Tariq Ahmad
A FaceTite procedure can certainly be one of the most effective ways to rejuvenate the skin on your face. Not only does the facial operation leave patients wrinkle-free, it also ensures that they maintain a natural look post-operation. On hand to provide a comprehensive insight into the procedure and just how effective it is, is award-winning plastic and cosmetic surgeon, Dr Tariq Ahmad. подробнее
Lip augmentation: your options for fuller and plumper lips
Por Mr Nizar Hamadeh
Are you thinking about getting a lip augmentation procedure? Lip filler and lip augmentation are procedures where demand is continuously rising world wide. Knowing what different procedures are available can help you pick the right one for you. подробнее
Врачи-специалисты в области Эстетическая хирургия лица
Specialists in Plastic Surgery
Specialists in Plastic Surgery
5 Devonshire Place
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Top Doctors
Specialists in Plastic Surgery
5 Devonshire Place, W1G Marylebone LondonЭксперт в области :
- Абдоминопластика
- Блефаропластика
- Пластическая хирургия
- Подтяжка лица
- Липосакция
- Уменьшение груди