How an orthoptist can help you?
Por Ms Safina Rashid
Orthoptics plays a vital role in the realm of eye care, offering specialised assessments and treatments for a variety of vision disorders. If you're experiencing vision concerns or have been diagnosed with conditions such as strabismus or amblyopia, consulting with an orthoptist can be a crucial step towards improving your visual health. Leading orthoptist Ms Safina Rashid delves into this field of medicine. подробнее
Paediatric strabismus care: how orthoptists and vision therapy improve eye alignment
Por Mr Jayesh Khistria
Strabismus, colloquially known as squint, is a condition where the eyes are misaligned – for example, when looking straight ahead, one eye may be fixed to the correct point, but the other could be turning inward, upward, downward, or outward. This disorder can be present in one eye or both and can be a constant or intermittent issue. Strabismus has several possible causes, which can occur later in life, or patients can be born with it (which is called congenital strabismus). In this article, a leading orthoptist shares how strabismus can be treated using vision therapy and orthoptics. подробнее
Врачи-специалисты в области Ортоптика
Dry Eye Centre
Dry Eye Centre
7 Devonshire St, London W1W 5DY, United Kingdom
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Top Doctors
Burnett Hodd & Tam Optometry
Burnett Hodd & Tam Optometry
7 Devonshire St, London W1W 5DY, United Kingdom
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Top Doctors
The Royal Free Hospital
The Royal Free Hospital
Pond Street, Hampstead. NW3 2QG
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Top Doctors
Dry Eye Centre
7 Devonshire St, London W1W 5DY, United Kingdom, West LondonЭксперт в области :
- Контактные линзы для сухих глаз
- Синдром сухого глаза
- Оптометрия
Burnett Hodd & Tam Optometry
7 Devonshire St, London W1W 5DY, United Kingdom, West LondonЭксперт в области :
- Сложные глазные условия
- Коррекция зрения
- Оптометрия
- Замена объектива
The Royal Free Hospital
Pond Street, Hampstead. NW3 2QG, Central LondonЭксперт в области :
- Общая хирургия
- ортопедическая хирургия
- Роботизированная хирургия
- Дерматология
- Акушерство и гинекология
- Педиатрия