Окклюзия сетчатки вены, когда вены, несущие кровь от сетчатки, блокируются.
09-10-2023Окклюзия вен сетчатки
Окклюзия сетчатки вены, когда вены, несущие кровь от сетчатки, блокируются.
An expert explains the treatment of retinal vein occlusion
Por Mrs Samantha Mann
The retina is responsible for transmitting the images we see with our eyes to the brain, to interpret what happens around us. What happens to the vision if a blockage occurs in a retinal vein? Highly-esteemed consultant ophthalmologist Mrs Samantha Mann, who specialises in the treatment of conditions affecting the retina, discusses this condition, known as retinal vein occlusion. подробнее
A stroke in your eye? Retinal vein occlusion explained
Por Mr Praveen Patel
What exactly is retinal vein occlusion, and why is it sometimes referred to as “eye stroke”? We turned to leading London ophthalmologist Mr Praveen Patel for an explanation. подробнее
Retinal vein occlusion: everything you need to know
Por Dr Gabriella De Salvo
Retinal veil occlusion is more prevalent in people over the age of 60, though younger people sometime experience it too. We spoke with highly experienced ophthalmologist, Dr Gabriella Da Salvo, to discuss this condition, including what the early symptoms are and what the prognosis is. подробнее
What is retinal vein occlusion?
Por Mr Praveen Patel
RVO is one of the most common causes of sudden painless loss of vision. Expert ophthalmologist Mr Praveen Patel gives us the facts about retinal vein occlusion. подробнее
Врачи-специалисты в области Окклюзия вен сетчатки
Darwin Eye Consultants
Darwin Eye Consultants
Nuffield Health Shrewsbury Hospital, Longden Road
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Top Doctors
Tunbridge Wells Eye Centre
Tunbridge Wells Eye Centre
7 Vale Ave, Tunbridge Wells TN1 1DJ
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Top Doctors
Sarum Road Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
Sarum Road Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
Sarum Rd, Winchester SO22 5HA
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Top Doctors
Darwin Eye Consultants
Nuffield Health Shrewsbury Hospital, Longden Road, ShrewsburyЭксперт в области :
- Блефаропластика
- Катаракта
- Хирургия век
- окулопластика хирургия
- Лазерная коррекция зрения
- Сложные глазные условия
Tunbridge Wells Eye Centre
7 Vale Ave, Tunbridge Wells TN1 1DJ, Tunbridge WellsЭксперт в области :
- Катаракта
- окулопластика хирургия
- Лазерная коррекция зрения
- Рефракционная хирургия
- Эстетика лица
- Офтальмология
Sarum Road Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
Sarum Rd, Winchester SO22 5HA, WinchesterЭксперт в области :
- Ангиология и сосудистая хирургия
- Кардиология
- Хирургия плеча
- Хирургия кисти
- Общая хирургия
- ортопедическая хирургия
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