Сосудистое заболевание - это группа заболеваний, поражающих кровеносные сосуды - артерии и вены сердечно-сосудистой системы организма, и является подгруппой сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний .
Сосудистые заболевания
Сосудистое заболевание - это группа заболеваний, поражающих кровеносные сосуды - артерии и вены сердечно-сосудистой системы организма, и является подгруппой сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний .
How exactly is a cholesterol level test performed?
Por Dr Rajesh Chelliah
Cholesterol is a fatty, wax-like substance that is found naturally in the blood. Too much cholesterol, however, can pose a health risk and increase your chances of heart disease. In this article, esteemed consultant cardiologist Dr Rajesh Chelliah talks about the importance of cholesterol level testing. Dr Chelliah, who treats patients in Leicester and Nottingham, outlines what a cholesterol test entails and what to do if your test results are high. подробнее
Peripheral vascular disease treatment: Everything you need to know
Por Mr Patrick Lintott
Getting peripheral vascular disease (PVD), or peripheral arterial disease, treated can be a step towards a better quality of life. However, what's involved? Leading vascular surgeon Mr Patrick Lintott details everything you need to know about the treatment of PVD in this informative article. подробнее
Pelvic congestion syndrome: don’t suffer in silence
Por Professor Mark Whiteley
You might have never heard of pelvic congestion syndrome, but it’s estimated to affect nearly 10% of women . Pelvic congestion syndrome occurs when you get varicose veins in your pelvic area and these veins push on the bladder, bowel and pelvic floor. In this article we ask celebrated vascular surgeon Mr Mark Whiteley what causes pelvic congestion syndrome and how it can be treated. подробнее
Expert insight: Which minimally invasive techniques can be used to treat varicose veins?
Por Miss Nung Rudarakanchana
Revered consultant vascular and endovascular surgeon Miss Nung Rudarakanchana shares her expert insight on the available minimally invasive techniques used in the treatment of varicose veins in this informative guide for patients. подробнее
Врачи-специалисты в области Сосудистые заболевания
Cleveland Clinic Portland Place Outpatient Centre
Cleveland Clinic Portland Place Outpatient Centre
24 Portland Place, W1B 1LU
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Top Doctors
The Princess Margaret Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
The Princess Margaret Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
Osborne Rd, Windsor SL4 3SJ
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Top Doctors
Cleveland Clinic London Hospital
Cleveland Clinic London Hospital
33 Grosvenor Place
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Top Doctors
Cleveland Clinic Portland Place Outpatient Centre
24 Portland Place, W1B 1LU, Central LondonЭксперт в области :
- Диагностика рака
- диагностика
- Женское здоровье
- Спортивная медицина
- Семейная медицина
- Проверка здоровья
The Princess Margaret Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
Osborne Rd, Windsor SL4 3SJ, WindsorЭксперт в области :
- Брахитерапия
- Кардиология
- Общая хирургия
- ортопедическая хирургия
- Роботизированная хирургия
- Дерматология
Cleveland Clinic London Hospital
33 Grosvenor Place, Central LondonЭксперт в области :
- Кардиология
- Колоректальная хирургия
- Операция с минимальным доступом (операция с замочной скважиной)
- Хирургия желчного пузыря
- Диагностика при помощи визуализации
- See more