Professor Lee Jeys

Orthopaedic surgeon in Birmingham

MB ChB MSc(Ortho Engin) FRCS(Tr&Orth) DSc

Topdoctors Awards Top Doctors Awards: 2021 y 2022
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Professor Lee Jeys areas of expertise:

Professional statement

Prof Lee Jeys is a leading consultant trauma and orthopaedic surgeon in Birmingham who specialises in hip and knee surgery, including knee replacement, hip replacement and revision hip replacement surgery. He is also a specialist in the treatment of bone and soft tissue tumours.

Professor Jeys is one of the leading consultant surgeons at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital, which is one of only five purely orthopaedic hospitals in the country. It has an international reputation as a centre of excellence.

Prof Jeys handles several hundred cases per year and is often lauded as an ‘international expert’ undertaking cases that others cannot do. He was recently recognised in the Daily Mail as one of the best knee replacement surgeons in the UK. He also takes a lead in paediatric surgery and regularly operates on children at regional paediatric hospitals.

He has published over 250 scientific papers in the world’s most important orthopaedic journals and he has written three chapters in textbooks about surgery. Professor Jeys was recently awarded the DSc for his thesis 'Improving Patient Outcomes by Innovation and Collaboration'. The DSc is the highest research degree in the UK and only awarded for individuals who make an outstanding contribution to their field. Professor Jeys regularly lectures around the world on joint replacement and tumour surgery.

He is involved with several national committees including being the former Chairman of the National Centre Research Institute (NCRI) for Sarcomas. He has worked with NICE, health technology appraisal boards, as well as several multinational companies. 

In 2018, Professor Jeys was voted as one of the best knee replacement surgeons in the country by his fellow consultants. You can read the Daily Mail article here.

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