Mr Mansoor Akhtar

in Kent


Mr Mansoor Akhtar areas of expertise:

Professional statement

Mr Mansoor Akhtar is a highly experienced consultant general and colorectal surgeon who specialises treating conditions such as haemorrhoids, rectal bleeding, hernias, inflammatory bowel disease, as well as diverticular disease. He is also an expert when it comes to performing colonoscopies. He has a private practice at Spencer Private Hospitals

Mr Akhtar, who obtained an MBBS in 1995 from the King Edward Medical College in Pakistan, undertook his basic surgical training in the Republic of Ireland after gaining postgraduate trainee experience in Pakistan, before going on to successfully complete an FRCS with a colorectal subspecialty at the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh not long after he had moved to the UK. 

Impressively, Mr Akhtar has racked up quite a substantial amount of experience in relation to general surgery, and possesses a strong level of expertise in advanced minimally invasive surgical procedures for colorectal cancer and inflammatory bowel disease. His main research interests include pilonidal sinus disease, complex diverticular disease, as well as anal fissures, but to mention a few. He has notably published an extensive amount of peer-reviewed articles and publications thus far in his career. 

Diseases, Medical Tests and Treatments

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