Mr Narendra Dhingra

Ophthalmologist in West Yorkshire y Leeds


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Mr Narendra Dhingra areas of expertise:

Professional statement

Mr Narendra Dhingra is a distinguished consultant ophthalmologist based in Wakefield and Leeds. His areas of expertise include age-related macular degeneration (AMD), diabetic retinopathy, retinal vein occlusion, uveitis, diabetic macular oedema, cataract surgery, intravitreal injections, and laser surgery for medical retina conditions.

Mr Dhingra consults privately at Spire Methley Park Hospital, Leeds and at Newmedica Wakefield. He is a consultant ophthalmologist at Leeds Teaching Hospital ( LTHT) and at Mid Yorkshire Teaching Hospital NHS Trust ( MYTT). He has previously been service lead for medical retina diseases and diabetic retinopathy screening services. He has performed over 3,000 intravitreal injections for retinal diseases and more than 2,000 cataract operations using phacoemulsification, a testament to his surgical expertise and dedication to restoring vision. He contributes to the National Ophthalmic database and his surgical results are comparable to his peers.

Mr Dhingra obtained his Doctor of Medicine from All India Institute of Medical Sciences as well as fellowship to the Royal College of Surgeons (FRCS). He undertook his basic undergraduate and postgraduate ophthalmology training in India, and his Specialist Registrar training at Liverpool in Mersey Deanery. He acquired specialised fellowship training in medical retina at the University Hospital of Cardiff and at Bristol Eye Hospital.

In addition to his clinical practice, Mr Dhingra is dedicated to the education and training of future ophthalmologists as a college tutor. He has also published extensively on various ophthalmic conditions, contributing valuable research and insights to the medical community, and is an active member of several professional organisations. He has been principal investigator and sub-investigator for various clinical trial in medical retina diseases.

Diseases, Medical Tests and Treatments

Other information about Narendra Dhingra

Source: All information contained on this page as well as office hours available, are provided directly by the doctor who has the ability to update them at all times in order to keep the information as accurate as possible.
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