Professor Nadey Hakim areas of expertise:
Professional statement
Professor Nadey Hakim is an acclaimed consultant general and transplant surgeon, specialising in ganglion cyst removals, gastric balloon surgery, hernia surgery, pancreatic transplants, and laparoscopy. His practice is located at the Cleveland Clinic Hospital London, where he is also the Director of International Relations.
Upon graduating from the Paris Cité University with his MD in 1983, Professor Hakim trained in surgery at Guy’s Hospital. He undertook a fellowship with the Royal College of Surgeons in 1987, and later in 1990 he completed a PhD at University College London in small bowel transplantation. He has been a fellow in gastrointestinal surgery at the Mayo Clinic and in multiorgan transplants at the University of Minnesota.
Professor Hakim was on the team of international surgeons that performed the first successful arm transplant. Professor Hakim set up the first pancreas transplant programme in the south-east of England, and is the innovator of a technique, finger-assisted nephrectomy, to facilitate kidney transplants. During his long and storied career, he has published more than 200 peer-reviewed papers and more than 20 textbooks, covering a wide variety of subjects regarding surgery. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the journal International Surgery and is on the board of editors for journals Transplant Proceedings, Graft, Experimental and Clinical Transplantation, amongst several others.
Included with his many accomplishments and awards, Professor Hakim is the former Vice President of the British Red Cross, the Royal Society of Medicine, and current Vice President of the International Medical Sciences Academy; the Imperial College President’s Envoy; the former World President of the International College of Surgeons and former president of Transplantation Section of the Royal Society for Medicine; Honorary Professor at several institutions around the world and professor of general surgery at Cleveland Clinic’s Lerner College of Medicine; and a Chevalier de la Legion d’Honneur of France.