Derma Reading

Derma Reading 0118 466 0935 Shepherds Hill, Woodley, RG6 1FE
5 5 1 115
(115) valoraciones verificadas

I was nervous before my procedure, Mr Pay and his staff put me at ease by chatting and being friendly. I have a tattoo on my back, which is very sentimental to me and the cyst was under part of said tattoo. Mr Pay did a wonderful job and I can hardly see where he made the cut.

Centro especializado en:

Acné Dermatología pediátrica Cáncer de piel Perdida de cabello Medicina estética Lunares


115 valoraciones verificadas
Todas las valoraciones son de pacientes reales y las opiniones han sido verificadas por nuestro departamento de Atención al Paciente para garantizar que cumplen con las normas del servicio.
Valoración verificada
I was nervous before my procedure, Mr Pay and his staff put me at ease by chatting and being friendly. I have a tattoo on my back, which is very sentimental to me and the cyst was under part of said tattoo. Mr Pay did a wonderful job and I can hardly see where he made the cut.
S. R Reading 05/07/24
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I was most impressed with the reception I received when visiting the clinic and the thorough examination undertaken by the consultant doctor. I do believe that my problem is well underway to being resolved.
J. H. H Reading 20/06/24
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I was very impressed with the clinic, the staff & the service Dr Lloyd-Lavery was empathetic & exceptionally professional
K. K Reading 17/06/24
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I have only praise for the experience of the removal of a BCC at Derma Reading. The staff were professional and efficient - check-in, preparation, advising myself of what will be undertaken, the effects and after surgery expectations. Special mention for Mr. A. Pay. Thank you.
S. B Reading 13/06/24
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S. M 13/06/24
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An extremely thorough, informative and worthwhile consultation arranged most efficiently by Michelle in the admin team
M. C Reading 06/06/24
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I cannot speak highly enough of the efficiency of the clinic and the very professional and sympathetic treatment I have received from all concerned. I was seen without delay, which was much appreciated, and the outcome was, predictably, entirely successful and stress free.
D. L Reading 05/06/24
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A. F Reading 05/06/24
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Thank you, Dr Clayton, for letting me know the results of histology. The area has healed very well.
M. M Reading 05/06/24
Valoración verificada
W. R Reading 26/05/24

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Dr Rima Clayton
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Dr Rachel Fisher
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Dr Rakesh Patalay
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Mr Andy Pay
Cirujano Plástico
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