Videos de Face Restoration

Face Restoration: Your frequently asked questions answered | Top Doctors


Face Restoration is a leading medical and surgical aesthetics centre based in central London and Cambridge. In this informative video, Professor Jonathan Roos and Dr Rachna Murthy answer the most frequently asked questions about the work they do at Face Restoration. 0:00 What do you do? 0:33 What are the risks 0:52 What is the light treatment? 1:13 What can I do for my skin? 1:26 What is the downtime? 1:40 What are the risks of blue light? 1:48 What is the microbiome? 2:10 What can you do about dark under-eye circles? 2:42 What can you do about my wrinkles? 3:07 Will I have to be off work for weeks? 3:16 Will it hurt? 3:25 Will I be bruised? 3:34 Will I look weird? 3:52 Will I look done? 3:57 Will I need to be knocked out? 4:04 Will I have to stay overnight? If you are interested in booking a consultation at Face Restoration, you can do so by visiting their Top Doctors profile: ✔ Follow us on Instagram: rqXb ✔ Follow us on Facebook: ✔ Follow us on Twitter:

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