Medical Prime
Dr Kalentzi is an excellent Dr. She is warm, kind, empathic & understanding. She is extremely skilled in managing symptoms of menopause & perimenopause. I am a Dr & I have thoroughly recommended her to both my friends and my own patients.
Centro especializado en:
Menopausia Osteoporosis La salud de la mujer Ginecología y ObstetriciaValoraciones
Respuesta del centro - Thank you very much for your positive and supportive comments, which are much appreciated.
Respuesta del centro - Thank you for sharing your insightful comments concerning Dr Ash, here at Medical Prime, and her clear focus on you as an individual. It is very good to read your comments 'enabling me to thrive'.
Respuesta del centro - Thank you very much for taking the time to write a review about Dr Ash. We are very pleased to read that Dr Ash is providing you with valuable support with respect to the perimenopause.
Respuesta del centro - Thank you for your positive review of Dr Ash, who is very knowledgeable with respect to Premature Ovarian Insufficiency (POI).
Respuesta del centro - Thank you very much for your positive feedback which helps us to maintain and improve our clinic's work.
Respuesta del centro - Thank you for your supportive comments which contribute to how the team and I run the clinic with a central focus on our patients.
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