Octopus Clinic

Octopus Clinic 442030386547 13 - 15 Bouverie Street
5 5 1 11
(11) valoraciones verificadas

Centro especializado en:

Fisioterapia Osteopatía Dolor de espalda Medicina del Deporte Artrosis Dolor musculoesquelético Dolor articulaciones Artritis de rodilla Artrosis de cadera


11 valoraciones verificadas
Todas las valoraciones son de pacientes reales y las opiniones han sido verificadas por nuestro departamento de Atención al Paciente para garantizar que cumplen con las normas del servicio.
Valoración verificada
Robyn was a godsend when I came to her with a long history of back issues and with no understanding of which movements helped and which caused flare ups. Not only did she remove me from this state of worry and inactivity but she also helped me to feel confident and safe returning
E. M 15/08/24
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Anastasia, my osteopath, is a true healer! Her personalized approach to my lower back pain has been a game-changer. With expertise, compassion, and effective treatments, she's guided me towards significant improvement. Grateful for her exceptional care!
D. A 16/12/23
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I highly recommend Anastasia. Every session with her is a very unique experience, I have learnt so much about my body and why I have discomfort in my lower back which is now so much better! Her passion, enthusiasm and professionalism are extremely appreciated qualities.
E. K 13/12/23
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I had terrible neck pain for a long time, I have seen a massage therapist for that, but it didn't really help. I saw Anastasia and after one session, she managed to relieve my blocked neck. Extremely professional and knowledgeable therapist. Highly recommend her.
T. N 17/11/23
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After a long time of feeling unheard and not being taken seriously, Anastasia listened and really investigated my pain. The experience was welcoming from sign in to signing up for the next session. I look forward to my continuing treatment.
R. R 14/11/23
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Robyn is the best Physio that I ever have seen. She takes her time to truly understand the injury and create a holistic recovery plan. She is so knowledgeable and honest. She takes her time to show me how to do the rehab exercises with good form and holds me accountable.
A. M 10/11/23
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Great treatments and service, very thoughtful about after care too. Easy to book online portal which is super helpful when short on time. Thank you Anastasia for your help.
T. S 09/11/23
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I was referred to Robyn at Octopus by my regular physician I have been delighted with the recovery from the calf tear and her management of my shoulder problem. Robyn works collaboratively with my triathlon coaches to formulate the best conditioning plans for me
A. P 01/11/23
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Robyn is a great physiotherapist, knowledgable and operates with great care
J. L 29/10/23
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I have enjoyed working with Robyn and would highly recommend her, she is always detailed, listens carefully to symptoms and provides very pragmatic and achievable goals. Through her encouragement and constant checking progress I am now close to a full recovery.
M. R 29/10/23

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