Urology Partners | Cromwell Hospital

Urology Partners | Cromwell Hospital 164-178 Cromwell Road
5 5 1 59
(59) valoraciones verificadas

Unidad Médica especializada en:

Urología Cáncer de próstata Hipertrofia benigna de próstata Cáncer de riñón Cálculos renales (Urolitiasis) Andrología


59 valoraciones verificadas
Todas las valoraciones son de pacientes reales y las opiniones han sido verificadas por nuestro departamento de Atención al Paciente para garantizar que cumplen con las normas del servicio.
Valoración verificada
The doctor was friendly and put my daughter at ease. Thank you.
M. W 24/08/24
Valoración verificada
Dr Goonetilleke has been amazing. Well prepared for our first appointment, asked great questions and allowed us the space to discuss the problems our daughter was facing. Was incredibly warm and kind in his attitude at all times, and was very swift to test, diagnose and refer.
S. C 01/05/24
Valoración verificada
He was empathetic and very reassuring
S. K 26/04/24
Valoración verificada
I was really impressed with Dr Goonetilleke's calm, reassuring approach. He was brilliant with my teenage son.
A. F 23/03/24
Valoración verificada
Oliver got a thorough check up, unlike the usual 10 min with his regular GP. The result was that we now know what may be wrong with him, we have a plan of action, and can adjust his asthma medication in a more nuanced way. We are delighted and thankful.
M. V. R 18/03/24
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Really friendly and thorough. Would recommend to anyone.
A. D 10/02/24
Valoración verificada
Despite my daughter having Autsim and some unusual behaviours, I found the Doctor and the nurse who did her skin prick blood sugar test, very patient, kind and accommodating of her special needs.
C. G 04/12/23
Valoración verificada
Dr Goonetilleke is fantastic, really good with children, taking the time to put them at ease. Plus he has great stickers which kids love!!
S. J 28/10/23
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A. V 01/10/23
Valoración verificada
Dr Rajiv Goonetilleke made my son feel at ease and was very attentive and caring. We got the answers we needed and the appropriate onward treatment. Definitely recommend. Great experience. Thank you!
C. J 17/08/23

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Mr Neil Barber
Consultor Cirujano Urológico en Central London
Ver perfil
Dr Rajiv Goonetilleke
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