Mrs Aenone Harper-Machin

Cirujano plástico en Cheshire

MB ChB(Hons) MSc FRCS(Plast)

Mrs Aenone Harper-Machin experto en:

Por qué es un doctor de primer nivel

Mrs Aenone Harper-Machin is a consultant plastic surgeon who privately practises at Nuffield Health The Grosvenor Hospital, Chester as well as a full-time NHS role at Whiston Hospital in Merseyside.

After completing four years of postgraduate medical and surgical training, Mrs Harper-Machin dedicated an additional eight years to specialising in plastic and reconstructive surgery, including an esteemed fellowship at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre in Toronto, where she focused on advanced head and neck cancer resections and complex reconstructions.

In her practice, Mrs Harper-Machin specialises in managing skin cancers of the head and neck as well as facial paralysis, employing free tissue transfer and intricate microsurgery techniques to reconstruct facial features and reconnect facial nerves. This microsurgical expertise, combined with cosmetic surgery fellowships completed in Bristol and the North West, equips her with comprehensive aesthetic surgery skills across all body areas.

As a senior clinical lecturer at the University of Liverpool, Mrs Harper-Machin supervises research aimed at enhancing the reliability of microsurgical techniques in tissue reconstruction. She also oversees clinical audit projects at Whiston Hospital, committed to upholding the highest standards of care.

Known for her thoughtful approach, Mrs Harper-Machin ensures her patients feel comfortable with their surgical choices and provides realistic guidance to help them achieve their desired results.

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