Mr Caspar Aylott

en London

B.Eng(Hons) MBChB MRCS FRCS(Tr Orth) DM

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Todas las valoraciones son de pacientes reales y las opiniones han sido verificadas por nuestro departamento de Atención al Paciente para garantizar que cumplen con las normas del servicio.

Opiniones de los pacientes

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Comentario paciente

Mr Aylott was very friendly and reassuring and clearly is an expert in his field, we highly recommend him and the Spine Centre if you are in need.

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Comentario paciente

I saw My Aylott to review and provide a second pair of eyes on a consultation and surgery recommendation I already had regarding my spine. I sent all the scans and information beforehand and Mr Aylott had reviewed then and had them up on screen. He explained in detail the bac

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Comentario paciente

I was referred to Mr Aylott almost ten years ago to treat my unstable spine which, on and off, causes problems, not least considerable anxiety and pain. I find it hugely reassuring to know Mr Aylott is there to help me. I cannot recommend him highly enough. In consultation, what stands out about Mr Aylott is his willingness to share his knowledge. He takes the time to explain and does so in a very clear, straightforward and unambiguous way. He’s friendly and often very funny. He’s extraordinarily perceptive, too, and picks up on small things, the things you half-said or left unsaid. During the time you are with him, you feel he is totally committed to you and to solving your problem in a way that you can understand and subscribe to, or not: the choice is yours. What he does is to take away the anxiety and give you the information you need to make an informed decision about your treatment. His approach is empowering and very effective. I have absolute confidence in Mr Aylott’s ability to help me. Whatever problems I face in the future, I know I could not be in safer hands. He’s helped me a huge amount.

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Comentario paciente

Extremely reassuring and friendly service. The quality and detail were second to none with virtually no waiting. The service represents good value and is the fast track back to work.

Enfermedades, Pruebas y Tratamientos


Otra información de interés de Caspar Aylott

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