Dr Farooq Maniyar

Neurólogo en London

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Todas las valoraciones son de pacientes reales y las opiniones han sido verificadas por nuestro departamento de Atención al Paciente para garantizar que cumplen con las normas del servicio.

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Very professional Doctor, felt as ease telling him my symptoms, would definitely recommend.

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Comentario paciente

Lovely being given a cup of coffee when we were waiting! The appointment wasn't at 6pm on the 13th Dec but at 2:15pm on the 14th Dec. All staff were friendly and polite.

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Been there with some issues, Mr. Maniyar was so profesional and calm, explain me everything on normal language and easy to understand. Recommend...

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(11 opiniones)
Dr Maniyar saw me as a favor to another neurologist who is his colleague at another hospital. I did my best to answer his questions and I will give him credit for asking for my version of events and not just going by a referral. There was a lot of information flying around and we agreed on many points but not all. He primarily said my problems were migraine based even if I did not have all of the symptoms of a mainstream one. I found this strange at first but do accept now it's a contributing factor. He did examine my occiput and found it was painful on the right. It still is and others think the occiput is the main culprit for the types of daily head pains and sensations I have. He did prescribe me a muscle relaxant and I was grateful to him for this. He had the patience of a saint when dealing with my gp, so again credit to him. He is a good neurologist and wrote a detailed clinical letter on his thoughts from seeing me.
18th October 2017
Escrito por un paciente privado
Absolutely Brilliant
18th September 2022
Escrito por un paciente privado
Dr Maniyar took comprehensive notes of my medical history and the inner ear problem I have He conducted some tests , explaining what they were for , then gave his diagnosis and prescribed drugs to help with the headaches I have been getting daily. I was very happy with the service provided
10th December 2022
Escrito por un paciente privado
22nd December 2022
Escrito por un paciente privado
friendly and interested. Asked plenty questions, feel that he really cared about my health
19th January 2023
Escrito por un paciente privado
Consistent great care from Dr Maniyar!
14th March 2023
Escrito por un paciente privado
Dr Farooq was incredibly welcoming and made me feel at ease. He listened to everything I had to say and paid special attention to my worries. He explained that he thought I was suffering with migraines but sent me for further tests for peace of mind, which I’m incredibly grateful for. All the results came back clear which was a relief. He has given me advice on changes I could make to my life to help with my migraines and some of the vitamins I can take for it. I’m seeing him again in a few weeks time for a follow-up to see if these help and if not, there is a back up plan. I feel very lucky to have received this type care - really shows empathy for patients. Thank you.
21st September 2023
Escrito por un paciente privado
Dr Maniyar was very clear and thorough in his investigations
1st October 2023
Escrito por un paciente privado
Dr Maniyar is very knowledgeable and experienced, listening to the patients very carefully, very attentive.
18th October 2023
Escrito por un paciente privado
Doctor has a great knowledge of his specialty and is very caring and professional
22nd December 2023
Escrito por un paciente privado

Enfermedades, Pruebas y Tratamientos

Otra información de interés de Farooq Maniyar

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