Dr Matt Wright

en London


Dr Matt Wright experto en:

Por qué es un doctor de primer nivel

Dr Matt Wright is a consultant cardiologist and electrophysiologist at Cleveland Clinic London and Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Trust, specialising in the comprehensive treatment of cardiac arrhythmias.

With particular expertise in atrial fibrillation (AF) and atrial tachycardia, Dr Wright employs advanced techniques such as complex cardiac mapping and radiofrequency ablation to deliver optimal patient outcomes.

An internationally recognised leader in his field, Dr Wright has authored over 100 scientific publications and book chapters. He is frequently invited to present his research at leading global conferences and regularly performs live, televised AF ablation procedures to educate fellow electrophysiologists. Dr Wright’s research focuses on enhancing outcomes in AF ablation, particularly through the development of real-time lesion visualisation and the integration of imaging technologies to refine patient selection and procedural success rates.

In addition to his clinical and research achievements, Dr Wright is deeply committed to education. He trains consultants and senior fellows worldwide in complex ablation techniques and is a sought-after speaker at international medical meetings. Dr Wright’s extensive contributions to electrophysiology, combined with his dedication to innovation and teaching, place him at the forefront of advancements in cardiac care.

Enfermedades, Pruebas y Tratamientos


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