Mr Mohamed Mabrouk

en London


Mr Mohamed Mabrouk experto en:

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Mr Mabrouk was informative, empathetic and reassuring during my first consultation.

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Comentario paciente

I have been treated by Dr Mabrouk for the last two years. I had fibroids and polyp removed. All went well and now I am under investigation as my period disappeared. I'm very pleased with support and care provided

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Comentario paciente

Mr Mabrouk has operated on me a few times now. He is the most amazing surgeon, I wouldn’t ever want to see any one else.. 1 year after a big open Stomach surgery for endometriosis. I just finished the london marathon in 3:27! A big PB. I have no issues at all. I’m over the moon

(51 opiniones)
Mohamed was clear when answering my questions and took time to explain my condition in great detail. I was nervous before the appointment but he reassured me straight away and I walked away feeling like I’m in the best care possible.
13th June 2019
Escrito por un paciente privado
Dr. Mabrouk is a very caring, concerned and friendly doctor while maintaining professionalism. He listened to me with patient and questioned lots of details to understand all the symptoms. While examing me he made a big effort to make me feel comfortable and let me know what to expect, afterword he explained everything carefully and very informative. I really appreciate his follow-up and willingness to answer any questions I have. I’m very thankful for the excellent care I receive from Dr. Mabrouk.
24th June 2019
Escrito por un paciente privado
I’ve been suffering for 3 years on and off. Other consultants never give me the time of day Dr Mabrouk really listened and understood me. Within 6 months of seeing me he had a plan in place for me.
11th August 2019
Escrito por un paciente privado
Mr Mabrouk was kind whilst also detailed and clear.
12th August 2019
Escrito por un paciente privado
Very clear explanation in advance of the treatment. Careful and considerate. Managed the procedure quickly and efficiently. Successful treatment process. Only improvement would be to communicate with the patient a bit more when using the speculum/at the earlier stages of the procedure so that the patient isn't surprised by the procedure.
28th August 2019
Escrito por un paciente privado
Amazing - extremely professional - gained my trust immediately -explained the procedure incredibly well and I imagine he adapts his explanation to suit the needs of his Pts - pain free procedure - feedback immediately after the procedure, which I valued - he could not have improved the service he gave
31st August 2019
Escrito por un paciente privado
Mr Mabrouk was a great consultant. He went through my history in detail, asking me questions previous consultants hadn't. He explained that his care would be personal to me and my lifestyle, choices and my future plans. He explained every step carefully to me and gave me instant results (through examination and ultrasounds) explaining what they meant. He was calm, caring and at no point did I feel rushed or pressured. I left feeling fully informed as to my next steps and all my choices. I would highly recommend Mr Mohamed Mabrouk.
3rd September 2019
Escrito por un paciente privado
In the decade or more that I have been under various Gynaecological clinic care at Addenbrookes hospital this is the first consultant who has explained everything clearly and taken the time to listen to my concerns. This should be the way all consultants should treat their patients. Thank you for treating me like a human being.
27th September 2019
Escrito por un paciente privado
I was surrounded by dedicated and caring doctors not least of whom were Mr Mabrouk and Mr Baldwin - and their wider medical team who went above and beyond to give me the best medical care possible. In the build-up to my operation, during and afterwards, the care and attention given to me was without exception, excellent. I couldn't recommend a better medical team. Mr Mabrouk and Mr Baldwin were both approachable, highly skilled and clearly talented and well informed in their fields - I would confidently put my life in their hands again if the need arose.
3rd October 2019
Escrito por un paciente privado
As a patient of Dr. Mabrouk, I was very pleased with how he handled my case. For someone who was about to undergo a complex procedure for the first time, I was very nervous about the whole thing. However, after my first meeting with him, I felt completely at ease. He was incredibly caring and gave me all the information I needed regarding my surgery. I appreciated how he gave me a detailed breakdown of the procedure and the risks involved, as well as answering all of my concerns in a professional and reassuring manner. I feel very fortunate to have been under his care, and would highly recommend him to anyone. Thankfully I'm currently on a very good road to recovery!
10th October 2019
Escrito por un paciente privado

Enfermedades, Pruebas y Tratamientos


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