• Más de 35 años de experiencia• Consultor de Radiólogo Intervencionista, 9 Harley Street (2011 - presente)
• Consultor Radiólogo intervencionista, Birmingham Fibroid Clinic (2007 - presente)• Consultor Radiólogo intervencionista, BMI The Priory Hospital (2000 - presente)• Consultor Radiólogo intervencionista, Hospital Spire Parkway (1998 - presente)• Radiólogo intervencionista consultor, Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust (1998 - presente) ...
• Fibras uterinas• Síndrome de congestión pélvica
• Variocele• Ultrasonido• Embolización de la arteria prostática• Tomografía computarizada (CAT)• Angiografía• Resonancia magnética abdominal• Adenomiosis• Ampliación benigna de próstata• Biopsia• Urografía por TC• La trombosis venosa profunda• Radiografía digital• Ecografía Doppler• Fibromas• Oncología intervencionista• Angiograma de resonancia magnética• Enfermedad arterial periférica• RM de próstata• Radiología• Ultrasonido testicular• Venas varicosas ...
Cargos en asociaciones públicas
• Líder clínico de Radiología Intervencionista para el corazón de Inglaterra NHS Trust• Spire Healthcare Medical Lead para Radiología
• Asesor experto del Instituto Nacional de Excelencia en Salud y Atención (NICE)• Presidente del Comité Asesor Médico del Hospital Spire Parkway• Ex presidente del Comité de Comunicaciones de la Sociedad Británica de Radiología Intervencionista ...
Logros académicos destacados
• FRCR, compañerismo del Royal College of Radiologists (1997)• FFRRCSI, Royal College of Surgeons en Irlanda (1996)
• MB BCh BAO, Licenciado en Medicina, Bachelor of Surgery, Trinity College Dublin (1988) ...
Premios y reconocimientos
• Premio a la Excelencia Clínica de Nivel 9, Fundación Heart of England Fundación NHS
Miembro de asociaciones médicas privadas
• Miembro del Royal College of Radiologists• Sociedad Británica de Radiología Intervencionista
• Sociedad de Radiología Cardiovascular e Intervencionista de Europa• Sociedad de Radiología Intervencionista (EE. UU.)• Sociedad Británica de Radiología Urogenital• Congreso Europeo de Radiología ...
Opiniones sobre Dr Paul Crowe
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Todas las valoraciones son de pacientes reales y las opiniones han sido verificadas por nuestro departamento de Atención al Paciente para garantizar que cumplen con las normas del servicio.
Opiniones de los pacientes
J B.
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Comentario paciente
I had a very successful embolization of multiple fibroids with Dr.Crowe few years ago. I needed to have another follow on consultation on some of the new symptoms and Dr.Crowe suggested the way forward very professionally. Absolutely recommend this doctor for fibroid treatment.
A S.
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Excellent doctor assisted by a really efficient practice manager, Lisa. Great team! Thanks Anna
P K.
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I would highly recommend Dr Paul Crowe if you need help with those painful fibroids that start to grow inside your womb.
At the beginning of the menopause, I was prescribed HRT patches to deal with the hot flashes. Unfortunately, the estrogen somehow “woke up” old fibroids that started to grow bigger, causing pressure to my bladder and bleeding.
I was given the option to have a total hysterectomy and continue using the HRT or stop the HRT but experience the rest of the menopausal side effects but, eventually, the estrogen “dependent” fibroids might shrink.
I was scared to have the very invasive operation, which in my case would have been an open surgery hysterectomy, and concerned about the long recovery – 6 weeks period, which I could not afford.
I was also not keen to stop my treatment with HRT.
I did some research and came upon the non – invasive procedure, called fibroid embolization, and the best name in that field in the UK was Dr. Paul Crowe.
I contacted his secretary and was booked for consultation very soon. Dr Crowe was extremely kind, professional, and understanding. I went ahead with the procedure without any hesitation.
Six months later, the 3 fibroids have shrunk almost half their size (the biggest 8 cm is now 5 cm), I have no bleeding anymore and I do not feel the pressure inside my tummy.
I do not need the operation and I can still have my HRT patches.
You can trust Dr Crowe completely! He is a very highly skilled professional and a devoted doctor!
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Dom 24 Nov.
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29 Nov.
Dr Paul Crowe
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Dom 24 Nov.
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Mar 26 Nov.
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Jue 28 Nov.
Vie 29 Nov.
Dr Paul Crowe
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Opiniones de los pacientes
J B. Paciente verificado
¿Recomendaría el doctor?
Comentario paciente
I had a very successful embolization of multiple fibroids with Dr.Crowe few years ago. I needed to have another follow on consultation on some of the new symptoms and Dr.Crowe suggested the way forward very professionally. Absolutely recommend this doctor for fibroid treatment.
A S. Paciente verificado
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Excellent doctor assisted by a really efficient practice manager, Lisa. Great team! Thanks Anna
P K. Paciente verificado
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Comentario paciente
I would highly recommend Dr Paul Crowe if you need help with those painful fibroids that start to grow inside your womb. At the beginning of the menopause, I was prescribed HRT patches to deal with the hot flashes. Unfortunately, the estrogen somehow “woke up” old fibroids that started to grow bigger, causing pressure to my bladder and bleeding. I was given the option to have a total hysterectomy and continue using the HRT or stop the HRT but experience the rest of the menopausal side effects but, eventually, the estrogen “dependent” fibroids might shrink. I was scared to have the very invasive operation, which in my case would have been an open surgery hysterectomy, and concerned about the long recovery – 6 weeks period, which I could not afford. I was also not keen to stop my treatment with HRT. I did some research and came upon the non – invasive procedure, called fibroid embolization, and the best name in that field in the UK was Dr. Paul Crowe. I contacted his secretary and was booked for consultation very soon. Dr Crowe was extremely kind, professional, and understanding. I went ahead with the procedure without any hesitation. Six months later, the 3 fibroids have shrunk almost half their size (the biggest 8 cm is now 5 cm), I have no bleeding anymore and I do not feel the pressure inside my tummy. I do not need the operation and I can still have my HRT patches. You can trust Dr Crowe completely! He is a very highly skilled professional and a devoted doctor!
J R. Paciente verificado
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Professional, friendly and efficient service.