Mr Stefanos Almpanis

Urólogo en London


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Comentario paciente

Mr Almpanis provided an extremely empathetic, informative, and reassuring consultation. His support has significantly improved my quality of life, and I am very grateful to him as a clinician.

(11 opiniones)
Dr. Almpanis made me feel listened to and put me at ease and was genuinely concerned and supportive to me. I had multiple operations with other doctors and had many problems and issues with them. Once Dr Almpanis became involved in my case and operated on me was the only time I actually felt better and his follow up and concern for me was fantastic. I recovered quicker and had no repeat issues. I really appreciate Dr. Almpanis showing a genuine concern for my health and well being. We need more doctors like Dr. Almpanis. I want to say a very big Thank You for all he has done for me.
24th June 2024
Escrito por un paciente privado
Great service, i hade few appointments with Mr Almpanis and he was very professional and helpful.His knowledge and communication are great. Elena
24th April 2024
Escrito por un paciente privado
Excellent service he explained everything in detail and made sure we understood everything and listened to all our concerns fantastic doctor front ne & Mrs yiasoumi
29th September 2022
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Mr Almpanis has always been very informative and helpful in explaining the treatment my father has received
9th October 2021
Escrito por un paciente privado
After a few minutes with the doctor I thought straight away "Wow finally a doctor!!!" He was listening to me and he was having a very professional and deep conversation dedicating me all the attention needed. The Doctor visited me and after that gave me a care and explained me how to proceed and it sounds to me like a plan and I felt more reassured with my healthy situation. Thank you Doctor for your professionalism and skills. Stefano Totaro
21st July 2021
Escrito por un paciente privado
Mr Almpanis took great care of me at the North Middlesex Hospital. Whilst other Doctors always misdiagnosed me, Mr Almpanis was the very first to come with a diagnose. He is also very experienced and explains everything pretty well. He's definitely one of my favourite urologists/ even doctors at the North Mid. Thank you so much Mr Stefanos Almpanis, for all the help and support you've given me! Ellery
23rd June 2021
Escrito por un paciente privado
Mr Almpanis was treating my father in 2014. He was a true professional & had great empathy. He explained every step of my fathers treatment in laymans terms, & was very supportive & helped alleviate any fears we had as a family. Most importantly, he made my father feel comfortable & at ease through a very difficult time. This is in itself was truly amazing & comforting. I cannot praise Mr Almpanis enough for his hard work, effort & empathy. A true professional to the highest degree Many thanks Bobby
25th June 2019
Escrito por un paciente privado
My father routinely attends appointments with Dr Almpanis who is not only professional but caring, he is always happy to answer any questions we have offering the best options to help. Thank you...
30th May 2018
Escrito por un paciente privado
Mr.Almpanis is an outstanding first class professional who is a superb surgeon, communicator and gentleman. His explanations before and after surgery calm you and give you confidence that you are in the safest hands. The North Middlesex Hospital is extremely blessed to have this great man and the NHS of this land can boast an exemplary and superlative service thanks to this surgeon. I am indebted to him.
15th January 2017
Escrito por un paciente privado
My husband was seen by this Consultant on Saturday the 3th Dec. He is a true Professional and had time for us. Unknown to this Consultant, my husband was in extreme pain due to on going back problems. However with detailed unhurried questions/Assessment, Mr Almpanis was quick to pick up on this. He explained things in layman's terms, and treated us with such dignity and respect .For the first time in many years My husband was given a holistic view of his ongoing health problems, and an appropriate and much appreciated long a waited referral for further investigations. As a nurse who has recently retired,This consultant has restored my faith in the NHS. Mr Almpanis expertise, mannerism and overall genuine concerns for my husband well being as a patient, was greatly appreciated. Kind regards and many thanks.
4th December 2016
Escrito por un paciente privado

Enfermedades, Pruebas y Tratamientos

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