74 Artículos médicos sobre Medicina estética Más de 6696 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

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Medicina estética

The benefits of Blepharoplasty: Enhancing vision and aesthetics

Blepharoplasty, commonly known as eyelid surgery, is a procedure that addresses both functional and aesthetic concerns related to the eyelids. This surgery involves removing excess skin, muscle, and sometimes fat from the upper and/or lower eyelids. It’s frequently performed to improve vision obstructed by drooping eyelids and to enhance the appearance of the eyes. Here to provide a detailed look at the benefits of this procedure is leading oculoplastic surgeon Mr Irfan Jeeva.

Insights on penis elongation

For many men, concerns about the size and appearance of their penis can significantly impact their confidence and self-esteem, particularly in intimate situations. In response to these concerns, medical advancements have led to various procedures aimed at addressing these aesthetic worries. In his latest online article, Dr Sherif El Wakil gives us his insights into penis elongation through ligament release.

Carbon laser peels: Discover the benefits for skin enhancement

In the quest for radiant and flawless skin, many people are turning to innovative and effective treatments that offer impressive results with minimal downtime. One such treatment gaining widespread popularity is the carbon laser peel. Here, Dr Tracy Xu, renowned aesthetic medicine specialist, explores the benefits, process, and considerations of carbon laser peels.

Penis augmentation with soft tissue fillers: how does it work?

Men pursue penis augmentation for various reasons, including enhancing self-confidence, correcting perceived size inadequacies, and improving sexual satisfaction for themselves and their partners. Renowned cosmetic and sexual aesthetic doctor Dr Sherif El Wakil explains how penis augmentation with soft tissue fillers works at his clinic, including what results to expect from the procedure.

Botox for pain relief: How does it work?

Although Botox is commonly known for its use in anti-ageing treatments, there are many beneficial applications of this form of treatment. In this informative article, highly respected advanced cosmetic doctor and consultant specialist in pain medicine Dr Husham Al-Shather explains how Botox is used as a highly effective, minimally invasive treatment for some types of chronic pain.

Unveiling andropause: Understanding men's midlife hormonal changes

Menopause has long been associated with women, but what about men? Contrary to popular belief, men experience a similar phenomenon called Andropause, a natural process characterised by hormonal shifts that can significantly impact their well-being as they age. Andropause involves a gradual decline in androgen levels, particularly testosterone, as men grow older. Unlike women, who undergo a more abrupt hormonal change, Andropause tends to manifest gradually and varies widely among individuals. In his latest online article, Dr Sherif Wakil, a pioneer in regenerative and functional medicine, sheds light on this under recognised but significant aspect of men's health.

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