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Rosacea: triggers, management and treatment

Rosacea is a skin condition where the patient mainly presents with a red face. It tends to occur when there is a change in temperature, when consuming alcoholic drinks or if patients are exposed to the sun. It often affects patients who are between 30 and 50 years old. Sometimes rosacea can present with pustules on the skin which may make the condition more like acne.

Botox FAQ: your questions answered

There are many different treatments available to soften lines and wrinkles, but one of the most effective and popular options is Botulinum Toxin Type A. Although Botox is also the brand name of a specific Botulinum Toxin type A product, at Dr Haus Dermatology we use Botox and other brands for face lines and face wrinkles. In his latest article, Dr Ariel Haus offers his expert insight into Botox, explaining how it works and the benefits it offers.

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