Más de 6696 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Video capsule endoscopy: special considerations

Have you ever wondered how even the smallest and narrowest of areas in the intestine can be examined? In this article we found out how a video capsule endoscopy can be used to check the lining of the small intestine and whether problems can occur from this procedure. Leading gastroenterologist, Dr Amit Chattree, talked us through preparation using a patency capsule , potential risks and whether or not the capsule can get stuck inside of the bowel.

When is a capsule endoscopy recommended?

Many people will experience gastrointestinal issues in their lifetime. We spoke to a leading consultant gastroenterologist about video capsule endoscopy, we found out how you should prepare for this procedure and when video capsule endoscopy might be recommended. Top gastroenterologist, Dr Amit Chattree, who is based in Newcastle, talked us through the procedure.

Digestive enzyme supplements: do they really work?

Perhaps you've been doing some research into supplements that can help alleviate symptoms of bloating and constipation related to gastrointestinal conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome. We asked one of highly-experienced London gastroenterologists Dr Aathavan Loganayagam for his expert opinion as to whether any of the digestive enzyme supplements out there on the market really do work or not.

Chronic diarrhoea: causes, tests and treatment

It can be very unpleasant to live with constant diarrhoea. If your symptoms of loose, watery stools have not cleared up after several weeks, it's time to see a specialist in order to find out what medical condition is causing it. Here, one of our top gastroenterologists Dr Ian Johnston explains what the possible underlying causes might be and how he devises a treatment plan for his patients.

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