82 Artículos médicos sobre Oncología Médica Más de 7996 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

What foods really fight cancer?

A key member of modern-day cancer multidisciplinary teams (MDT), amidst physicians, oncologists, radiologists, pathologists, surgeons, is the dietitian. They put together the best possible weekly/monthly meal plan, in order to provide a cancer patient with the most optimal chance of prolonging life. Often, diet is one of the first things a patient changes after a cancer diagnosis. Generally, this is because the right foods - along with exercise - are factors someone can proactively use to care for themselves and feel better. Learn more about them in this highly informative article.

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Oncología Médica

Endoscopic ultrasound: the key to early cancer detection you need to know about

An endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) is a procedure where an endoscope is equipped with an ultrasound probe in order to get an accurate, real-time imaged scan of the internal organs. In this article, a consultant hepato-pancreatico-biliary (HBP) surgeon explains the benefits of this procedure, how it can assist in the early diagnosis of cancer.

New drug-based treatments and developments for colon cancer

Colon cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer worldwide, with treatment options continually evolving as medical research advances. While surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation remain standard treatments, innovative drug-based therapies and targeted approaches are transforming the way colon cancer is managed. These new developments aim to improve survival rates, reduce side effects, and personalise treatment based on individual tumour characteristics.

Managing cancer treatment-induced menopause

Cancer treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation and certain surgeries can lead to treatment-induced menopause, which occurs when cancer therapies interfere with the ovaries' function. This type of menopause can happen suddenly, especially in premenopausal women, and often brings more intense symptoms compared to natural menopause due to the abrupt loss of oestrogen.

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