Más de 5815 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Recognising Alzheimer’s disease – how AD affects patients

The causes of dementia are many, and they vary depending on the age of the patient. The most common by far is Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Alzheimer’s is an insidious condition in which symptoms creep up on patients, often unnoticed by family members at first, but with serious effects becoming evident as the disease progresses. Expert neurologist Professor Peter Garrard is here to talk about the signs that can identify Alzheimer’s disease.

How to have a healthy pregnancy and get the right treatment for your epilepsy

Epilepsy is often treated with anti-epileptic medications, including sodium valproate. Whilst this can be very effective in preventing seizures, it can cause complications related to pregnancy. Dr Dora Lozsadi, a top neurologist, explains why valproate is not appropriate for female epileptic patients to take during pregnancy and the alternatives that are available to them.

Managing migraines and the new treatments available

Migraines are a type of headache that cause severe pain, amongst other debilitating symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and light sensitivity. Therefore, treating and preventing migraines is important for those who suffer them. Dr Stefan Schumacher, a leading neurologist, discusses the treatments available and a surprising new treatment being used for chronic migraines.

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