Más de 7440 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Understanding epiretinal membrane: Causes, diagnosis, and surgery

Discover the essentials of epiretinal membrane, also known as macular pucker or vitreomacular traction syndrome. In his latest online article, Mr Craig Goldsmith delves into the causes, highlighting its link to aging and other factors. Learn about the diagnosis process, where eye doctors use drops and scans to assess symptoms impacting vision.

Strabismus in children: When should parents worry?

When it comes to children's eye health, understanding conditions like strabismus is crucial for early detection and intervention. Strabismus, also known in the United Kingdom as “squint”, is a common ophthalmic condition that affects vision and eye movement. Here, Mr Lloyd Bender, consultant adult and paediatric ophthalmologist in London, provides an expert insight into strabismus and also offers advice on when parents should seek medical attention for their child’s eye misalignment.

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