Más de 6696 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Ankle instability: what are my treatment options?

Ankle instability refers to a condition where the ankle lacks the ability to maintain its normal position during weight-bearing activities. It is often caused by ligament damage due to injuries, leading to recurrent episodes of giving way or rolling of the ankle. Distinguished consultant orthopaedic surgeon Mr Vail Karuppiah provides a guide to both surgical and non-surgical options for addressing ankle instability.

A patient’s guide to hip replacements: Everything you need to know

Hip replacement surgery is a common procedure used to treat various hip conditions that cause pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility. Understanding the ins and outs of this surgery can help patients make informed decisions about their treatment options. In his latest online article, esteemed consultant orthopaedic hip and knee surgeon Mr Shawn Tavares explains everything you need to know about your hip replacement.

All about plantar fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is a common condition that can affect people of all ages, especially those who practise sports or spend long hours on their feet. Here, Mr David Redfern, renowned consultant orthopaedic surgeon who specialises in foot and ankle problems, delves into the details of plantar fasciitis, exploring its underlying causes, main symptoms, and wide range of treatment modalities.

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