Más de 5815 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Hearing loss (Part 1): Signs and Screening

Hearing loss is the reduction in hearing ability that occurs when electrical (sound) signals do not reach the brain. In the first part of a two-part series on hearing loss, Mr Powell, leading consultant ENT surgeon, offers a comprehensive insight into the signs that indicate hearing problems in adults and children, and the main tests that are used in hearing loss assessments.

An expert guide to chronic cough

Acid reflux, allergies and more serious conditions like lung cancer; there are various reasons for a chronic cough. However, the condition has significant impact on people’s quality of life, regardless of the cause. Professor Owen Judd, leading consultant ENT surgeon in Derby, discusses why a chronic cough can perpetuate itself, how they are treated and more, in this informative article.

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