194 Artículos médicos sobre Psicología Más de 7440 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

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Life adjustments for people living and working in London

Living and working London comes with its own set of challenges, and adjusting to life changes like divorce, job loss, parenting, or caring for elderly relatives from a distance can feel overwhelming. Understanding how your psychologist can support you during these transitions can help to make the process more manageable.

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Redacción de Top Doctors

The connection between trauma and OCD: Understanding the impact of past experiences on obsessive-compulsive disorder

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition characterised by persistent intrusive thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive behaviours (compulsions). While the exact cause of OCD remains unclear, research suggests that past trauma may play a role in its development and severity. Understanding this connection can help individuals seek appropriate treatment and support.

What happens during fight and fight?

The "fight and flight" response is an evolutionary mechanism in the brain that helps humans survive. This response developed significantly during hunter-gatherer times when humans lived in more dangerous environments. It allows individuals to become significantly stronger and faster in a split second—an advantage when fighting off a wild animal or escaping danger. Stories of people demonstrating superhuman strength to save their loved ones illustrate the "fight and flight" response in action. We speak to a leading consultant psychiatrist who explains what happens during this response.

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Redacción de Top Doctors

How to effectively manage anger

Anger is a complex emotion, often misunderstood and challenging to navigate. While it can be a healthy response to injustice or a signal that something needs to change, it can also become overwhelming, causing friction in relationships and personal distress. For some, anger is a constant irritant, leaving them frustrated and isolated. Others might struggle to connect with their anger, which can result in feelings of helplessness, depression, or anxiety. When anger is directed inward, it can lead to self-criticism and emotional pain. Fortunately, several therapeutic approaches offer effective ways to address these challenges.

ADHD in adolescents: Diagnosis, treatments, and how to support your teenager

ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) is a neurodevelopmental condition that impacts behaviour. While ADHD is generally diagnosed in childhood, some people may not receive a diagnosis until adolescence, when symptoms become more pronounced. Professor Debora Elijah, highly esteemed cognitive neuropsychologist, explains more.

What is health anxiety disorder and how can it be managed?

Health anxiety disorder is a mental health condition where an individual experiences persistent and excessive worry about their health that goes beyond typical self-awareness, interfering with daily life, relationships, and overall wellbeing. Here, Dr Catherine Sykes, highly-regarded chartered psychologist, explores what health anxiety disorder is, its symptoms, causes, and progression, as well as how it is diagnosed and treated.

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