Más de 5815 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

How should a persistent cough be managed?

With COVID-19 coughing has become more of a concern than ever before. A persistent cough can severely affect quality of life. We recently spoke with Dr Bryan Sheinman who is a consultant chest physician to discuss when we should see a doctor about this symptom and what the treatment options are. Find out the answers to your FAQs regarding coughing in this latest article.

COVID-19: expert advice for patients during the third wave of the pandemic

As the UK is in the midst of the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, we spoke to one of our leading respiratory physicians Dr Syed A Husain who has been involved in frontline work for covid-infected patients. We spoke to him back in March 2020 but almost one year on, he shares with us what doctors know now, from symptoms to survival rates of the virus.

Bronchiectasis: Symptoms, treatment and outlook

If you have been diagnosed with bronchiectasis, you might be wondering what the long-term outlook is when living with the condition. The good news is that if you adhere to your management plan with your doctor, the condition is completely controllable and shouldn't have a significant impact on your living. Renowned respiratory medicine consultant, Dr James Ramsay, explains more.

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