Más de 6749 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Biological scaffolding for knee cartilage regeneration

Regenerative medicine is a modern field of medicine based on the principle of regenerating biological tissue in the patient to replace, repair, and improve cells that have been affected by injury or disease. In order to manipulate tissue regeneration, doctors use biological scaffolds. But what are these devices and how do they work? Sports medicine specialist and expert Professor Paul Lee is here to explain:

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Redacción de Top Doctors
Medicina del Deporte

What is PRP and how can it treat knee joint injuries?

Platelet rich plasma promises enhanced recovery from knee injuries and an alternative to surgery. However, it’s still an emerging treatment for knee injuries, so as a patient it’s important to understand how it works and how to navigate the options on offer. We asked leading sports medicine specialist Professor Paul Lee the key questions: what conditions PRP can be used to treat? What treatments it can be combined with? And what patients should be aware of when choosing a clinic?

Mostrando resultados 30 de 43

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