Más de 6857 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Your journey to breast health: A step-by-step guide

Discovering a breast lump can be a daunting experience, and seeking medical attention at a breast clinic might seem like an inconvenience. However, at the Brentwood Breast Clinic, we strive to make this journey as comfortable and efficient as possible for you. In this article, Miss Sascha Dua will walk you through what to expect during your visit, from scheduling your appointment to the various stages of your assessment.

Unraveling pancreatic cancer

In his latest online article, Mr Ricky Bhogal gives us his insights into pancreatic cancer. Pancreatic cancer, known as a stealthy and aggressive disease, has posed significant challenges for doctors and researchers. With its late symptoms and elusive nature, it's a tough opponent to tackle. However, recent progress in understanding this cancer offers some hope, shedding light on potential improvements in diagnosis and treatment.

Weight loss surgery from a bariatric perspective

Weight loss surgery can be classed under plastic surgery and bariatric surgery. In this article, we’re looking at bariatric surgery and how weight loss surgery is done by specialists is this area. Mr Balaji Nagammapudur, a leading consultant surgeon in Stoke-on-Trent and Macclesfield, is here to go into expert detail about bariatric weight loss surgery.

Mastectomy: Why opt for this form of breast cancer surgery?

While lumpectomy is often the preferred choice for many patients requiring breast cancer surgery, mastectomy may better suit certain individuals. In this insightful guide, we hear from Mr Kelvin Chong, a consultant oncoplastic breast surgeon, who addresses prevalent misconceptions on mastectomy procedures and explores situations where mastectomies become imperative.

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