Más de 6857 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

PRGF treatment for dental procedures

Dr Peter Sanders is a highly experienced dentist that has always given importance to the comfort and care of his patients. Over the years, Dr Sanders has incorporated state of the art technology, (once efficacy and safety are proven), to ensure he is always able to offer the very highest level of comfort. We spoke to him about PRGF treatment, a revolutionary technology that vastly improves the healing process os oral surgery and dental implants. We spoke with him recently to discuss PRGF treatment and what can be expected.

Gastric sleeve surgery: A popular weight loss surgery

Gastric sleeve surgery is just one of several weight loss surgical procedures (medically referred to as bariatric surgeries). These are used to treat obesity when non-surgical measures haven’t worked. Mr Agrawal is a leading weight loss surgeon and, in this article, he explains why gastric sleeve surgery is the most common bariatric procedure, who’s eligible, the possible complications and how much weight you can expect to lose.

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