Más de 6696 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Ask an expert: Can the occasional tipple cause kidney stones?

Maintaining good hydration by drinking plenty of water is the best way to avoid kidney stones but how do other drinks such as beer, wine or fruit juice affect this? Highly respected consultant urologist Mr Anthony Blacker expertly explains how different drinks impact the production of kidney stones and how the condition is treated in this illuminating article.

Can you feel the force? How laser prostatectomy can improve urinary function

An enlarged prostate can cause some very uncomfortable symptoms, including difficulty urinating. Thankfully there are various methods like laser prostatectomy to help to reverse this symptom and others. Here to offer expert insight into the procedure itself, possible side effects and the recovery process is highly-esteemed consultant urological surgeon Mr Zafar Maan.

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