Más de 6696 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Scrotal swelling: should I be worried?

The normal scrotum is a pouch consisting of a thin muscle layer and skin which hangs down between a man's two legs. Swelling can develop around the scrotum during childhood or adulthood. The swelling may be made of liquid or solid tissue; the vast majority are benign, grow slowly and are not serious. Mr Simon Brewster talks about the symptoms of scrotal swelling, the causes and how a urologist diagnoses and treats this in men.

Detecting prostate cancer with the PCA3 urine test

PCA3 is a urinary test that measures the concentration of the PCA3 molecules in the urine before and after a prostate exam. The PCA3 urinary test is particularly useful in men to provide a guide on whether there is a need for a second biopsy as a result of a high-risk of underlying prostate cancer. Urologist Mr Aza Mohammed tells us more about the PCA3 test and how it compares to other tests in the detection of prostate cancer.

Penile cancer: what we all need to know

Penile cancer is quite rare but there are still around 800 men getting diagnosed every year with it in the UK. Unlike testicular cancer, penile cancer isn't talked about very often, meaning men might not be aware to look out for the symptoms. Mr Nigel Parr, a leading urologist, gives us an insight into what men should be watching out for to spot the signs and symptoms early.

What is SpaceOAR® Hydrogel?

Men undergoing radiation therapy for prostate cancer can experience some negative side effects, especially regarding bowel function, urination and sexual functioning. Consultant Urological Surgeon Mr Neil Haldar shares his insight into SpaceOAR hydrogel that protects the rectum during radiation therapy and how it greatly benefits men who need radiation therapy for prostate cancer.

Is blood in the urine serious?

Have you recently experienced blood in your urine? Blood in the urine can originate from any part of the urinary tract (kidneys, ureters, bladder, prostate in males and the urethra). Blood in the urine should be investigated promptly as it could be a sign of a sinister disease. Mr Aza Mohammed tells us what blood in the urine could be a sign of and when you should seek emergency care.

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