Artículos del centro: Syon Clinic - part of Circle Health Group Más de 6696 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Can your smart watch detect atrial fibrillation?

Atrial fibrillation is the most common heart rhythm disorder, whereby an irregular heartbeat can lead to breathlessness, palpitations and fatigue. Unfortunately, the condition puts patients at higher risk of blood clots and strokes, so careful management is required. To give an all-you-need-to-know guide to atrial fibrillation, renowned consultant cardiologist Dr Fu Siong Ng offers expert insight on diagnosis and treatment of the condition, as well as discussing how the condition can be prevented.

STIs: symptoms, testing and when to see a urologist

STIs (sexually transmitted infections) are very common. In fact, about 20% of people in their 20s have experienced an STI. Usually, patients will first go straight to a GP or sexual health clinic for symptoms. However, if first-line treatment doesn’t work, patients may be referred to a genitourinary specialist (a urologist who also looks after the sexual reproductive system) to investigate the cause.

Advancements in diagnosing and treating prostate cancer

Mr Mathias Winkler is an expert in prostate cancer screening. In this article we found out if a 'prostagram', will ever become available for those who are faced with the risk of this disease. Ideally, it would be similar to how a mammogram works for females who screen for breast cancer. Find out how far away we are from having a more accurate and effective test, and discover more on what the latest innovations are for this diagnostic test.

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