Artículos del centro: The Clementine Churchill Hospital - part of Circle Health Group Más de 6749 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Liver cancer causes, symptoms, outlook and treatment

Primary liver cancer is estimated to be one of the most common causes of death from cancer globally. It is particularly dangerous due to its lack of early warning signs. Professor Shahid Khan is a leading London gastroenterologist and hepatologist, with a special clinical interest in the treatment of liver cancer - learn from him about the causes, symptoms, outlook and treatment of the condition.

ETS Surgery as a solution for blushing and hyperhidrosis

Excessive sweating and blushing can have a big impact on self confidence. Whilst it affects a small number of people in the UK, it can have a very negative impact on day-to-day life for patients. Recently we spoke to leading venous and vascular surgeon, Mr David Greenstein, to find out about ETS surgery, a procedure he uses often to treat blushing.

Acne am I cleaning my face enough

While it’s very common in teenagers, acne can be a persistent problem for some adults too. But what causes acne to continue into adulthood? Is it to do with cleanliness and can overcleaning our faces be one of the main problems? Dr Moumita Chattopadhyay, one of our top dermatologist based in Birmingham, explains why acne forms in adults and how many times we should be washing our faces a day.

Sciatica vs. back pain: how do they differ?

Sciatica pain radiates along the sciatica nerve, which goes from your lower back through the buttocks and down through the leg, distinctively, on one side, whereas back pain usually occurs from muscle strain. We've asked one of our expert neurosurgeons Mrs Anne Mitchener to explain the difference between both conditions and if there is a test that you can make at home to determine which one you have.

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