Artículos del doctor: Mr Osama Naji Más de 7589 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Understanding the cost of private gynaecology care in the UK

The landscape of private gynaecology care offers an array of accessible options of hospitals and consultants. However, due to the abundance of options, the intricacies of charges and the inclusivity of services can be perplexing when considering a visit to a private gynaecologist. In his latest online article, consultant gynaecologist Mr Osama Naji gives a quick guide to the financial landscape of private gynaecology consultations.

Postmenopausal bleeding: Your questions answered

Several health conditions can be indicated by postmenopausal bleeding (PMB) and it should receive specialist attention. We speak to Mr Osama Naji, a leading consultant gynaecologist based in Marylebone, London, all about PMB. He goes into expert detail about exactly what it is, how serious can be and how long it lasts, among other important issues.

When is uterine bleeding considered to be abnormal?

Have you recently noticed an excessive amount of menstrual bleeding? If so, this article might contain some key bits of information that you have been looking for. Here, Mr Osama Naji, a revered consultant gynaecologist, details what abnormal uterine bleeding is, and tells us just how effective ultrasound scanning can be with regards to its management.

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