Artículos del doctor: Mr Shelain Patel Más de 5815 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Posterior tibialis tendon dysfunction (PTTD): Symptoms and solutions

Posterior tibialis tendon dysfunction (PTTD) is a prevalent condition that affects the foot and ankle, characterised by the gradual degeneration, inflammation, or tearing of the posterior tibialis tendon. Here, Mr Shelain Patel, renowned consultant orthopaedic foot and ankle surgeon, offers his expert insight into the intricate facets of PTTD, exploring its symptoms, diagnostic approaches, and a variety of treatment modalities.

Navigating ankle arthritis

Ankle arthritis brings pain and swelling, starting mildly with activity-related discomfort and escalating into a persistent ache. In his latest online article, Mr Shelain Patel explores the symptoms, causes, and effective management of this joint disorder, providing insights for individuals and healthcare professionals.

Understanding achilles tendinopathy: Insights and solutions

In his latest online article, Mr Shelain Patel gives us his insights into Achilles tendinopathy. He talks about the typical symptoms and how it differs from other foot or ankle conditions, the primary causes, risk factors, what non-surgical treatments and exercises can help manage pain, when surgical intervention is necessary, the different surgical options available and if there are any long-term consequences or complications if the condition is left untreated.

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