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Más de 6749 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

A guide to kidney, ureteric, and bladder stones

Urinary stone disease involves the formation of hard mineral deposits, or stones, in the kidneys, ureters, or bladder, causing pain, and urinary issues, and sometimes requiring medical treatment for removal. Distinguished consultant urological surgeon Mr Ken Anson covers everything you need to know about the condition, including its symptoms, treatment options, and lifestyle changes that can help reduce the risk of developing stones.

Exercising your way to a healthier heart

Sometimes it can be difficult to motivate ourselves to get off the couch and up and moving. The great news is that you don't need to be an elite athlete to incorporate more activity into your life this season. Experts suggest aiming for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 minutes of high-intensity exercise per week. Spread out over seven days, this is just over 20 minutes a day – about the time it takes to walk to work! Activities such as brisk walking, cycling, and swimming are excellent options. Renowned consultant cardiologist Dr Gosia Wamil explains the major benefits of regular exercise for your cardiovascular system.

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