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Más de 6857 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy: what you need to know

Robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy is a minimally invasive surgery to remove the prostate gland and some surrounding tissue, using robotic technology. The surgeon controls robotic arms equipped with surgical instruments, providing precision, smaller incisions, reduced blood loss, and quicker recovery compared to traditional open surgery. Distinguished consultant urologist Mr Aidan Noon provides an insight into the treatment, including an explanation of the approach he uses in his practice.

Abdominal pain: the basics covered

Abdominal pain is discomfort or pain felt in the area between the chest and pelvis. It can range from mild to severe and can be caused by various conditions such as digestive issues, infections, inflammation, or organ problems. The pain's nature and location often help diagnose its cause. Leading consultant gastroenterologist Dr Aamir Saleem explains the key points you need to know about abdominal pain.

Navigated shoulder replacement: A breakthrough in arthritis treatment

Shoulder arthritis, a common ailment affecting millions worldwide, often leads to debilitating pain and restricted mobility. For individuals facing advanced stages of this condition, shoulder replacement surgery emerges as a beacon of hope. However, not all cases are straightforward, and sometimes, the complexity of anatomy due to arthritis poses challenges for surgeons. This is where navigated shoulder replacement comes into play, revolutionising the landscape of shoulder surgeries. In his latest online article, Mr Andrew Chambler gives us his insights.

Kidney-related hypertension: How your kidneys affect blood pressure

Hypertension is a prevalent condition that can lead to severe health problems if left untreated. One of the critical areas in understanding hypertension is its relationship with kidney health. Here, Dr Rhys Evans, renowned associate professor of renal medicine and consultant nephrologist, offers an expert insight into how the kidneys affect blood pressure, the common kidney-related causes of hypertension, and the long-term outlook for patients.

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