Young, fresh and natural: What could a deep facelift do for you?

Escrito por: Mr Giovanni Ferrando
Editado por: Sophie Kennedy

The signs of ageing can cause a drooping in some muscular structures, leading to sagging skin and a tired appearance in the face and neck. Cosmetic procedures including deep facelifts can drastically freshen and rejuvenate the appearance of the face and neck but expertise is essential in ensuring that the results look natural. In this detailed guide to deep facelift cosmetic treatment, leading consultant plastic and reconstructive surgeon Mr Giovanni Ferrando explains what patients should expect from the procedure itself and the post-surgery results. The renowned specialist also details the advantages of deep facelift procedures over mini facelifts and explains the importance of treating both the neck and face in order to achieve a natural and rejuvenated appearance.



What is a deep facelift? How does it differ from a mini facelift?


A deep facelift is a cosmetic procedure which aims to lift the deeper layers of the face for a total rejuvenation of the face and neck.


Therefore, this operation differs from a mini facelift which only intends to lift the skin on its most superficial layer, often resulting in an unnaturally stretched face. Besides, the results of the so called ‘mini-face lift’ last a very short time, despite the patient undergoing a procedure with a similar recovery time to a deeper facelift when performed by an expert surgeon.


For these reasons, I always advise the patient to opt for a deeper face lift. The result is definitely more natural, lasting and enjoyable.



Why does a deep or complete facelift give a more natural appearance?


A deep facelift, if well performed, gives patients a more natural appearance. This is achieved by the pulling up of the deep structure, allowing the skin to follow naturally. There is no tension or unnatural shape and therefore the patient looks younger, fresher and natural without changing their expression or showing that they have undergone surgery.



Who is the ideal candidate for a complete facelift?


The ideal candidate for a complete facelift is a patient in her fifties. In most cases, the skin and muscular structure, especially in the neck, has dropped or is starting to drop in women of this age. Sometimes, however, my patients are younger, especially when they have lost weight rapidly.


During a deep facelift, the surgeon has to take special care of the neck and this should actually be the first stage of the surgery. A young neck with a fresh, relaxed face is what should be expected from a facelift.


Unfortunately, much too often I see patients who have undergone a face surgery without considering the neck. I must say that I do not like this type of result, as the two areas are too close to together to have such different appearances. A rejuvenated face on an old neck is not a good result and it makes it clear that the patient has undergone surgery.



Are there any potential side effects of a deep face lift?


I am definitely in favour of a deep face lift. At the end of the day, all operations - be they large or small - have similar risks and require a comparable period of recovery, especially in terms of scar healing.


The risks involved in the deep facelift procedure are mainly the same as those of any type of surgery: bleeding, infection and slow recovery time amongst others. It’s important to remember that these complications are rare and are very much less likely to occur if the surgery is performed by an expert and skilled surgeon.



What can patients expect from the recovery period following a deep facelift?


The recovery time is a couple of weeks during which time the face is a little swollen. Commonly, however, patients go back to normal life sooner than this. With my personal technique, bruising is very uncommon. Patients usually report no pain at all, although a little discomfort should be expected.


The stitches on the ears are removed six or seven days after surgery and those remaining are removed after about fifteen days. It is advisable to wear a special garment, which is purposely made, whilst at home and also during the night for a few weeks following surgery.


This is general advice but follow-up appointments are required to tailor the recovery period for each individual.




Mr Giovanni Ferrando is a highly experienced consultant plastic and reconstructive surgeon who is renowned for his use of innovative techniques and attention to detail which allow him achieve excellent results for his patients. If you think a deep facelift could be right for you and wish to book a consultation with Mr Ferrando, you can do so by visiting his Top Doctors profile.

Por Mr Giovanni Ferrando
Cirugía plástica, estética y reparadora

El Sr. Giovanni Ferrando es un consultor plástico y cirujano reconstructivo con amplia experiencia en clínicas privadas en Londres e Italia. Es conocido por su trabajo innovador y pionero en el diseño y desarrollo de nuevas técnicas para su uso en cirugía cosmética y estética, y tiene una gran atención a los detalles, siempre tratando de lograr resultados de aspecto natural. Se especializa en todo tipo de cirugía estética, con especial interés en la rinoplastia, la blefaroplastia, el estiramiento facial y el aumento de senos.

Al realizar la cirugía en un paciente, el Sr. Ferrando prefiere tomarse el tiempo para estudiar las proporciones de la cara del paciente, y también conoce bien al paciente para tomar una decisión sobre cuál sería la mejor nariz para el paciente. Él personalmente dibuja un retrato del paciente para ver los resultados deseados, y para usar la misma mano para diseñar el dibujo que realizará la cirugía. Esta parte del proceso es importante para el Sr. Ferrando para garantizar que se obtengan los mejores resultados.

Junto con su práctica clínica, Ferrando dedica tiempo a dar charlas sobre su profesión, y es colaborador habitual de la revista Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Journal, y actualmente está escribiendo un libro sobre rinoplastia.

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