La anemia es un recuento bajo de glóbulos rojos en la sangre. No es una enfermedad en sí, sino que es un síntoma que puede ser causada por la falta de hierro o pérdida de sangre debido a un sangrado excesivo, entre otros factores.
La anemia es un recuento bajo de glóbulos rojos en la sangre. No es una enfermedad en sí, sino que es un síntoma que puede ser causada por la falta de hierro o pérdida de sangre debido a un sangrado excesivo, entre otros factores.
Thalassaemia vs Iron-deficiency anaemia: Know the difference
Por Professor John Porter
Thalassaemia is a type of anaemia that leads to a decrease in haemoglobin levels, causing red blood cells to become fragile and short-lived. Here, Professor John Porter, renowned consultant haematologist, provides an expert insight into thalassaemia, including how is it different from the more common iron-deficiency anaemia. Ver más
Low blood count: Causes, management and treatment
Por Dr David Wrench
From fatigue and low energy to a serious risk of dangerous infection, the consequences of a low blood count can vary greatly. Renowned consultant haematologist Dr David Wrench provides an all-you-need-to-know guide to low blood count and what it means for patients in this illuminating article. Ver más
What are the red flags for heart palpitations?
Por Dr Aftab Gill
Heart palpitations are sensations where the heart feels like it's pounding, fluttering or beating irregularly. While they’re often harmless, certain red flags may indicate a more serious underlying condition that requires medical attention. Ver más
When should I worry about heart palpitations?
Por Dr Waqas Khan
Heart palpitations are sensations of an irregular, rapid, or fluttering heartbeat. Most of the time, they’re harmless and occur due to factors like stress, caffeine or dehydration - which as long as they aren’t chronic, can be easily addressed. However, in some cases, they may indicate an underlying heart condition or other health issues that require medical attention. It’s essential for your well-being to be aware of when to seek help. Ver más
Doctores expertos en Anemia
Dr Michael Potter
HematologíaExperto en:
- Leucemia
- Linfoma
- Mieloma múltiple
- Trastornos mieloproliferativos
- Enfermedad de Hodgkin
- Anemia
Dr Nina Salooja
HematologíaExperto en:
- Trastornos de la coagulación
- Trombosis
- Anemia
- Púrpura
- Hemocromatosis
- Alteraciones de las plaquetas
Dr James Uprichard
HematologíaExperto en:
- Anemia
- Trastornos de la coagulación
- Hemocromatosis
- Hemofilia
- Alteraciones de las plaquetas
- Trombosis
Dr Carolyn Millar
HematologíaExperto en:
- Trastornos de la coagulación
- Trombosis
- Hemofilia
- Alteraciones de las plaquetas
- Anemia
- Trombocitopenia
Professor John Porter
HematologíaExperto en:
- Hemocromatosis
- Anemia
- Talasemia
- Enfermedad de célula falciforme
- Hiperferritinemia
- Deficiencia de hierro
- Ver todos
The Blackheath Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
The Blackheath Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
40-42 Lee Terrace, Blackheath, London SE3 9UD
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Top Doctors
LOC at The Harley Street Clinic (HCA)
LOC at The Harley Street Clinic (HCA)
Chemo Day Unit, 81 Harley Street, London
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Top Doctors
HCA UK at University College Hospital
HCA UK at University College Hospital
1 Grafton Way
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Top Doctors
The Blackheath Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
40-42 Lee Terrace, Blackheath, London SE3 9UD, East LondonExperto en:
- Angiología y Cirugía vascular
- Cardiología
- Cirugía bariátrica
- Cirugía colorrectal
- Cirugía Endocrina
- Cirugía General
LOC at The Harley Street Clinic (HCA)
Chemo Day Unit, 81 Harley Street, London, Central LondonExperto en:
- Cáncer
- Clínica de detección de cáncer
- Oncología Médica
- Quimioterapia
- Trasplante de células madre
- Tratamiento del cáncer
HCA UK at University College Hospital
1 Grafton Way, Central LondonExperto en:
- Células madre
- Ensayos Clínicos
- Hemato-oncología
- Hematología
- Oncología Médica
- Radioterapia
- Ver todos