La demencia es la pérdida progresiva de las funciones cognitivas, debido principalmente al daño cerebral causado por accidentes cerebrovasculares o la enfermedad de Alzheimer. Que afecta en gran medida la capacidad del paciente para funcionar en la vida cotidiana. Afecta principalmente a la memoria, el lenguaje (afasia), la atención, la capacidad visual, la praxis y las funciones ejecutivas, tales como la resolución o la inhibición de respuestas problema.
03-03-2014 11-10-2023Demencia
La demencia es la pérdida progresiva de las funciones cognitivas, debido principalmente al daño cerebral causado por accidentes cerebrovasculares o la enfermedad de Alzheimer. Que afecta en gran medida la capacidad del paciente para funcionar en la vida cotidiana. Afecta principalmente a la memoria, el lenguaje (afasia), la atención, la capacidad visual, la praxis y las funciones ejecutivas, tales como la resolución o la inhibición de respuestas problema.
Cerebral small vessel disease and why it's so important
Por Professor Hedley Emsley
Even though cerebral small vessel disease is very common, you may never have heard of it. It affects most older people but should not be thought of as part of the normal ageing process. It can also be seen in younger adults. It’s entirely possible to have it yet not know about it. Very often small vessel disease goes undetected. But if it is identified then it is sensible to think about how to reduce the risk of it causing future problems. Here to provide an in-depth look at this condition is leading consultant neurologist and vascular neurology specialist Professor Hedley Emsley. Ver más
Signs of young-onset dementia
Por Professor Peter Garrard
Dementia is most commonly associated with the elderly but it can affect younger people too. Young-onset dementia is difficult to diagnose but awareness of the condition is increasing. Professor Peter Garrard attends many patients with signs of young-onset dementia - learn from him about the condition and its signs to increase your knowledge of this complex and life-changing condition. Ver más
Modern dementia treatment personalised medicine lifestyle adjustments
Por Dr Mashkur Khan
Modern dementia treatment involves personalised medicine and effective lifestyle adjustments. Mr Mashkur Khan, a specialist in the management of dementia, explains how you can live with dementia and control it. Ver más
How do ‘senior moments’ differ from the signs of dementia?
Por Dr Mashkur Khan
Revered consultant physician Dr Mashkur Khan explains how the symptoms associated with dementia differ from the occasional memory problems which often accompany ageing in this informative article. Ver más
Doctores expertos en Demencia
Dr Justin Sauer
PsiquiatríaExperto en:
- Trastorno bipolar
- Estrés
- Estrés laboral
- Depresión
- Ansiedad
- Demencia
Professor Peter Garrard
NeurologíaExperto en:
- Alzheimer
- Trastorno cognitivo
- Demencia
- Trastornos neurológicos
- Tratamientos neurológicos
- Pérdida de memoria
Dr Mashkur Khan
Medicina internaExperto en:
- Demencia
- Pluripatología
- Síncope
- Fluctuación de la presión arterial
- Geriatric medicine
- Enfermedades autoinmunes
Dr Shane Roche
GeriatríaExperto en:
- Deterioro cognitivo leve
- Ictus (derrame cerebral)
- Parkinson
- Alzheimer
- Pérdida de memoria
- Demencia
Professor Dennis Chan
NeurologíaExperto en:
- Alzheimer
- Demencia
- Pérdida de memoria
- Trastornos del movimiento
- Dolor de cabeza
- Parkinson
- Ver todos
Mindfulness Health Solutions
Mindfulness Health Solutions
PO Box 10794, Nottingham NG1 9LX
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Top Doctors
The Park Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
The Park Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
Sherwood Lodge Drive, Burntstump Country Park, Arnold, Nottinghamshire NG5 8RX
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Top Doctors
The Beardwood Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
The Beardwood Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
Preston New Rd, Blackburn BB2 7AE
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Top Doctors
Mindfulness Health Solutions
PO Box 10794, Nottingham NG1 9LX, NottinghamExperto en:
- Ansiedad
- Ataques de pánico
- Autismo
- Trastorno bipolar
- Trastorno de estrés postraumático
The Park Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
Sherwood Lodge Drive, Burntstump Country Park, Arnold, Nottinghamshire NG5 8RX, ArnoldExperto en:
- Cirugía General
- Cirugía maxilofacial
- Cirugía Oral
- Cirugía plástica, estética y reparadora
- Ginecología y Obstetricia
- Podología
The Beardwood Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
Preston New Rd, Blackburn BB2 7AE , BlackburnExperto en:
- Cáncer
- Cardiología
- Cirugía General
- Cirugía ortopédica
- Dermatología
- Diagnóstico por imagen
- Ver todos