Preservación de la fertilidad
10-02-2014 10-02-2014Preservación de la fertilidad
Preservación de la fertilidad
Do I qualify to be an egg donor?
Por Dr Malini Uppal
You may decide to donate your eggs because you have friends who are struggling to conceive or you just want to do something kind and make the dreams of parenthood become a reality for someone. The first thing you should find out though is whether or not you're a suitable candidate to donate. Dr Malini Uppal, a fertility specialist in Central London, offers this unique guide for those who are considering it. Ver más
Radiofrequency ablation (Sonata): The fibroid treatment option for women desiring a uterine-sparing option and future fertility
Por Mr Mahantesh Karoshi
Revered women’s health expert and consultant gynaecologist Mr Mahantesh Karoshi details treatment options for uterine fibroids, shining a light on Sonata, a type of radiofrequency ablation that allows women to preserve their fertility for the future. Ver más
An expert's guide to fertility preservation for gynaecological cancer
Por Mr Gautam Mehra
Unfortunately, many women who have had gynaecological cancer previously were unable to have children. However, in recent years many advancements have been made in the different treatments for this cancer, allowing for the preservation of fertility in some cases. In his latest article, renowned gynaecologist and gynaecological oncologist Mr Gautam Mehra explains how fertility is preserved in these certain cases. Ver más
What challenges do sperm cells face during ovulation?
Por Mr Mahantesh Karoshi
In this article, Mr Mahantesh Karoshi, a highly regarded consultant gynaecologist, talks to us about sperm cells, including what happens exactly when ejaculation occurs, and what the exact distance sperm cells need to travel before actually fertilising the female egg. Ver más
Doctores expertos en Preservación de la fertilidad
Dr Mausumi Das
Ginecología y ObstetriciaExperto en:
- Técnicas de reproducción asistida
- Fecundación in vitro (FIV)
- Tratamiento de fertilidad
- Preservación de la fertilidad
- Congelación de óvulos
- Ovarios poliquísticos
Mr Rami Atalla
Ginecología y ObstetriciaExperto en:
- Abortos de repetición
- Uroginecología
- Revisión ginecológica
- Preservación de la fertilidad
- Prolapso genital
- Menopausia
Dr Muhammad Fatum
Reproducción asistidaExperto en:
- Fecundación in vitro (FIV)
- Cirugía de acceso mínimo (cirugía de ojo de cerradura)
- Diagnóstico genético
- Preservación de la fertilidad
- Inmunología reproductiva
Dr Valentina Mauro
Ginecología y ObstetriciaExperto en:
- Infertilidad
- Egg donation
- Preservación de la fertilidad
- Insuficiencia ovárica prematura
- Médicolegal
- Abortos de repetición
- Ver todos
The Kensington Wing - Private Maternity
The Kensington Wing - Private Maternity
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, 3rd Floor, 369 Fulham Rd., London
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Top Doctors
The Kensington Wing - Private Maternity
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, 3rd Floor, 369 Fulham Rd., London , Central LondonExperto en:
- Cuidado de maternidad
- Ecografía
- El embarazo
- Embarazo múltiple
- Ginecología y Obstetricia
- Preeclampsia