Ecografía obstétrica y ginecológica
What are the different types of ultrasound scans in pregnancy?
Por Dr Srividhya Sankaran
Different types of ultrasound are undertaken depending on the stage of the pregnancy, and also for various reasons. These can include calculating the chances of the pregnancy being affected with Down’s syndrome and risk of going into preterm labour, alongside many others. Highly-experienced consultant in maternal-foetal medicine (MFM) and obstetrics Dr Srividhya Sankaran, is here to explain these different ultrasound scans. Ver más
Doctores expertos en Ecografía obstétrica y ginecológica
Dr Karen Joash
Ginecología y ObstetriciaExperto en:
- Ovarios poliquísticos
- Ecografía obstétrica y ginecológica
- Fibromas
- Pólipos
- Dismenorrea
- Histerectomía
Dr Philip Bullen
Ginecología y ObstetriciaExperto en:
- Medicina fetal
- Ecografía obstétrica y ginecológica
- Control del embarazo
- Embarazo ectópico
- Embarazo de riesgo
- Parto natural
- Ver todos