Should I worry if my child's pupils are of different size?
Por Dr Annegret Dahlmann-Noor
The pupils help us to adapt to our environment in an instant, adjusting to light as required. One possibility that can occur is that they can be different sizes - if you notice this in your child, is it something to be concerned about? Director of Moorfields Eye Hospital's children's eye service, Dr Annegret Dahlmann-Noor takes an expert look at this topic. Ver más
When does a tight foreskin require treatment?
Por Mr Brian MacCormack
Revered consultant paediatric surgeon Mr Brian MacCormack gives expert insight on phimosis, a tight foreskin, and discusses when treatment is required in this detailed and informative article. Ver más
All about abdominal pain in children
Por Dr Abraham Neduvamkunnil
Abdominal pain in children is a common complaint and can range from mild discomfort to severe pain, with various potential causes. Understanding the underlying reasons and recognising when medical attention is necessary can help ensure that children receive timely and appropriate care. Leading consultant paediatrician Dr Abraham Neduvamkunnil provides a detailed insight into this important topic. Ver más
Could gastro-oesophageal reflux be the cause of your child’s vomiting?
Por Mr Simon Clarke
Reflux, where stomach content passes into the oesophagus, is experienced by both adults and children from time to time. Chronic reflux in children can bring about a range complications which may require treatment. In this informative article, highly respected consultant paediatric surgeon Mr Simon Clarke offers expert insight on the symptoms parents should look out for and how gastro-oesophagul reflux is treated in children. Ver más
Doctores expertos en Pediatría
Dr Bushra Al-Rubeyi
PediatríaExperto en:
- Desarrollo infantil
- Pediatría
- Asma
- Estreñimiento
- Fatiga crónica
- Alergia infantil
Dr Martin Gray
PediatríaExperto en:
- Pediatría
- Cólicos
- Atención primaria de niños
- Enfermedades respiratorias
- Sibilancias
- Alimentación infantil
Dr Victoria Owen
Médico de cabeceraExperto en:
- Chequeo médico
- Terapia de reemplazo hormonal
- MrigankaCoronavirus
- Peritaje psiquiátrico y psicológico
- Pediatría
- Vacunación
Mr Alex Turner
Urología infantilExperto en:
- Infección del tracto urinario
- Problemas de la vejiga
- Urología pediátrica
- Pediatría
- Testículo no descendido (Criptorquidia)
- Reflujo vesicoureteral (RVU) (reflujo renal)
Professor Parviz Habibi
Neumología infantilExperto en:
- Problemas respiratorios
- Pediatría
- Trastornos del sueño
- Infección respiratoria
- Chest infection
- Apnea obstructiva del sueño
- Ver todos
Fitzrovia Medical Clinic
Fitzrovia Medical Clinic
Fitzrovia Hospital, 13-14 Fitzroy Square
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Top Doctors
222 Healthcare
222 Healthcare
2nd Floor, Stokenchurch Medical Centre, Oxford Rd, Stokenchurch, High Wycombe, HP14 3SX
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Top Doctors
Elstree Waterfront Outpatients Centre (HCA)
Elstree Waterfront Outpatients Centre (HCA)
Elstree Road, WD6 3BS
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Top Doctors
Fitzrovia Medical Clinic
Fitzrovia Hospital, 13-14 Fitzroy Square , Central LondonExperto en:
- Diabetes del adulto
- Enfermedad crónica avanzada
- La salud de la mujer
- Pediatría
- Revisión de salud
- Salud sexual
222 Healthcare
2nd Floor, Stokenchurch Medical Centre, Oxford Rd, Stokenchurch, High Wycombe, HP14 3SX, High WycombeExperto en:
- Ansiedad
- Depresión
- La salud de la mujer
- Médico de cabecera
- Menopausia
- Pediatría
Elstree Waterfront Outpatients Centre (HCA)
Elstree Road, WD6 3BS, ElstreeExperto en:
- Análisis de sangre
- Cardiología
- Dermatología
- Diagnóstico por imagen
- Neurología
- Pediatría
- Ver todos