El diagnóstico prenatal es el conjunto de pruebas para examinar la formación y el desarrollo del feto. Existen diferentes técnicas, tanto invasivas y no invasivas.
05-09-2023Diagnóstico prenatal
El diagnóstico prenatal es el conjunto de pruebas para examinar la formación y el desarrollo del feto. Existen diferentes técnicas, tanto invasivas y no invasivas.
First trimester screening tests: An expert guide
Por Dr Gergana Peeva
In this informative guide for expectant parents, we hear from revered consultant obstetrician and foetal medicine specialist Dr Gergana Peeva on what is involved in screening tests performed during the first trimester of pregnancy. Ver más
Facing a high-risk pregnancy? Learn how maternal medicine provides expert support every step of the way
Por Ms Kenga Sivarajah
High-risk pregnancies are not uncommon – around 10 per cent of pregnancies are classified as ‘high risk’. While the term may seem scary, the wonders of modern obstetric medicine mean that mother and baby have better chances of making it through the issues safely. In this article, an expert consultant obstetrician highlights how maternal medicine can be utilised in every stage of a high-risk pregnancy. Ver más
Doctores expertos en Diagnóstico prenatal
Professor Mina Savvidou
Ginecología y ObstetriciaExperto en:
- Parto
- Medicina fetal
- Embarazo de riesgo
- Embarazo múltiple
- Diagnóstico prenatal
- El embarazo
Dr Panicos Shangaris
Ginecología y ObstetriciaExperto en:
- Medicina fetal
- Consejería de embarazo
- Diagnóstico prenatal
- Preconception care
- Médicolegal
- Prueba prenatal
- Ver todos
The Kensington Wing - Private Maternity
The Kensington Wing - Private Maternity
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, 3rd Floor, 369 Fulham Rd., London
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Top Doctors
The Portland Hospital - part of HCA Healthcare
The Portland Hospital - part of HCA Healthcare
205 - 209 Great Portland St. W1W 5AH
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Top Doctors
The Kensington Wing - Private Maternity
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, 3rd Floor, 369 Fulham Rd., London , Central LondonExperto en:
- Cuidado de maternidad
- Ecografía
- El embarazo
- Embarazo múltiple
- Ginecología y Obstetricia
- Preeclampsia
The Portland Hospital - part of HCA Healthcare
205 - 209 Great Portland St. W1W 5AH, Central LondonExperto en:
- Cirugía neurológica espinal
- Cirugía ortopédica espinal
- Cuidado de maternidad
- El embarazo
- Escoliosis
- Fecundación in vitro (FIV)
- Ver todos