¿Qué son los pensamientos suicidas?
Los sentimientos de suicidio ven a una persona preocupada con pensamientos de terminar con su vida o que siente que la gente estaría mejor sin ellos, incluso a pensar en métodos para quitarse la vida intencionalmente. Una persona puede hacer planes claros para terminar con su vida. Una persona con pensamientos suicidas puede estar triste o confundida y no puede lidiar con estos sentimientos. Una persona suicida puede experimentar dolor, sentirse desesperada, llorosa, abrumada y desesperada. Es importante reconocer que una persona que se siente así no está sola y que siempre hay ayuda y apoyo disponibles.
Pensamientos suicidas
¿Qué son los pensamientos suicidas?
Los sentimientos de suicidio ven a una persona preocupada con pensamientos de terminar con su vida o que siente que la gente estaría mejor sin ellos, incluso a pensar en métodos para quitarse la vida intencionalmente. Una persona puede hacer planes claros para terminar con su vida. Una persona con pensamientos suicidas puede estar triste o confundida y no puede lidiar con estos sentimientos. Una persona suicida puede experimentar dolor, sentirse desesperada, llorosa, abrumada y desesperada. Es importante reconocer que una persona que se siente así no está sola y que siempre hay ayuda y apoyo disponibles.
Overcoming suicidal ideation
Por Dr Iqbal Mohiuddin
Experiencing thoughts of ending your own life can be profoundly distressing and frightening. It's crucial to understand that these thoughts do not define you as a person but indicate that you are enduring significant emotional distress. The Mental Health Foundation reports that 1 in 5 adults in the UK have had suicidal thoughts at some point in their lives. Data from the Office for National Statistics shows that in 2022, the UK suicide rate was 10.5 per 100,000 people, with the rate for men at 16.1 and for women at 5.3, marking a slight increase from 2021. The highest suicide rates are seen in men aged 45-49, followed by those aged 50-54. Renowned consultant psychiatrist Dr Iqbal Mohiuddin explores effective strategies for managing suicidal thoughts, fostering hope, and preventing suicide. Ver más
COVID-19 headlines tough lockdowns mental health
Por Professor Ben Green
The news has very much been focused on how we, the general public, can physically protect ourselves from the coronavirus. However, as leading psychiatrist Professor Ben Green points out, the news often neglects to understand the effects their messages have on us and those more vulnerable to mental health conditions. Ver más
How you can help someone with suicidal feelings
Por Dr Stefania Bonaccorso
All of us are capable of suffering from mental health problems, and sometimes this can lead to suicidal thoughts and feelings. These will vary in terms of their intensity and how long they last for, but if you suspect someone you know is suffering, there are things you can do and should do to help. Dr Stefania Bonaccorso, an expert psychiatrist, addresses this difficult topic and gives her advice on what to do if you are ever in a situation where someone is talking about ending their life. Ver más
Am I depressed? Treating and identifying the signs of depression
Por Dr Edwin Ugoh
Depression is a mood disorder characterised by low mood for a persistent amount of time, having a significant effect on your everyday life. However, treatments and therapies are available to help people struggling with depression to cope. Dr Abrar Hussain, a leading psychiatrist, explains in detail what depression is and what can be done to beat it. Ver más
Doctores expertos en Pensamientos suicidas
Dr Elena Manafi
PsicologíaExperto en:
- Baja autoestima
- Pensamientos suicidas
- Problemas de apego
- Ansiedad
- Depresión
- Estrés postraumático
Dr Daniela Herescu
PsiquiatríaExperto en:
- Ansiedad
- Depresión
- Trastorno borderline de personalidad
- Autolesiones
- Pensamientos suicidas
- Trastorno bipolar
- Ver todos