Mr Boyd Goldie

Traumatologo ad Essex


Mr Boyd Goldie esperto in:

Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine

Mr Boyd Goldie is an innovative consultant orthopaedic surgeon who specializes in problems of the upper limb; namely the shoulder, elbow, wrist, and hand. His orthopaedic training was done in London, at St Mary’s Hospital and The Royal London, as well as in Boston at the Massachusetts General Hospital. Mr Goldie’s areas of expertise range from muscoloskeletal injuries and diseases to peripheral nerve injuries. One of his main interests is Dupuytren's disease and is one of the only surgeons in the London area who performs Needle Aponeurotomy. A fellow of the British Orthopaedic Association, he is also a member of the British Elbow & Shoulder Society and British Society for Surgery of the Hand. One of the faculty members of the AO Hand Fracture fixation courses, and an invited lecturer of the European Acumed Upper Limb Fracture Fixation course, he has also authored countless papers and journals. His passion for innovation has made him an advocate for the latest methods of internal fixation, and has lectured on the usage of 3D printers in Orthopaedics. 

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